Notable Dry Erase Clear

Notable is a premium performance, two-component product that can be applied to almost any substrate, including painted drywall, wood, glass, metal and laminate. The isocyanate-free formula features a four-hour pot life, seven-day full cure time and 10-year warranty. Kits come complete with two pre-measured components, a roller-cover, and application instructions in three sizes – 4.6, 9.3 or 18.6 square metres (50, 100 or 200 square feet). End-users can choose from white, for the classic whiteboard look, or clear, to transform any of our 3,500+ colours into a dry erase surface.
  • Silicone Epoxy
  • <150 g/L VOC
  • Ready to use 7 days after application
  • Applicable to most surfaces

Watch our how-to video for tips on prepping and applying Notable
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